Friday, September 11, 2009


Welcome to the Burnside Photographic blog.

"Burnside" has been around for about 59 years, as of this writing, and the "Photographic" part of him has been around for all but about 15 of those years. There were long periods of immersion (so to speak) in the darkroom, attempting to master the Zone System while photographing everything in sight with camera ranging from a cute little Olympus half-frame up to a Zone VI 4x5 field camera.

Now, of course, I am all digital, with little nostalgia for the good old days. I made the switch when I couldn't tell an 8x10 digital print from one made from a 35mm Panatomic-X negative developed in Microdol 1:3. I never looked back.

Nearly as profound as the technology switch has been the emergence of my understanding of photography as a tool to help others see what people ordinarily don't see, particularly in the natural world. While I occasionally stray into other areas of interest, they tend to be fleeting. So if you travel with me, you might encounter an old junk yard and an urban landscape here and there, but pretty soon we'll be back in the woods, or on the water, looking down or up, instead of straight ahead.

You'll find no profound secrets along the way, but maybe you'll see things differently.

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